God Is God Is not in everything everything is In God. That which Created and constantly sustains All things That which is beneath Me as it is Beneath the Ant; yet which Is not me nor the ant, nor the ocean, nor the sky— but what we Have in common That to which my soul cries Out and who Quiets it with love That which I pass Through and say “This is my Father’s world.” That which I see behind your eyes, your Is, when you speak not as yourself That which Answers prayers with Many instruments Him for Whom I live my life and Die my death That of which all this is but a fleeting Glimpse The thing we chase in every Sorrowful experience, and turns it all to Gold The one who Watches and who Rustles in the world The one and only One who Loves me, and Desires me Who wills (and More than consciously) the best for me Who died for me and Lives for me This God is Touching you, as you are touching Him in every second of your Breathing life. I beg you Surrender yourself and Take Hold!